Top up with soda water or bitter lemon and ice cubes, and stir. Then add to a tall glass with 50ml blanco tequila and 25ml freshly squeezed lime and lemon juice (equal measures of each). Start by mixing 25ml each of agave syrup and sauvignon blanc in a small jug until it is a consistent liquid. The acidity of the sauvignon blanc in this recipe helps balance out the sweetness of the agave syrup.

Mexican spritz blancoĭeano Moncrieffe, cofounder of Hacha, London Garnish with a wedge of lime and Angostura bitters. Build and stir (rather than shake) 35ml blanco tequila, 125ml ginger beer, 20ml fresh lime juice and 5ml vanilla syrup (this can be made by boiling and cooling a mix of water, caster syrup and vanilla extract). The mix of ginger and tequila here makes for a really uplifting drink. One thing that makes a big difference is sticking your glass in the freezer for 10 minutes (or the fridge for an hour) beforehand. In their younger years, it may have been associated with bad hangovers, but you can make really good, refreshing drinks with it. During lockdown, people are discovering that it perhaps isn’t the drink they thought it was. Mark Selby, cofounder of Wahaca, nationwide Joseph Cribley, director of Bar Pina, Sheffield

Garnish with fresh pineapple for an extra kick of summer. Take 30ml of tequila (we recommend Patrón Anejo), 15ml of bourbon (any decent one will do), 50ml fresh pineapple juice, 20ml sugar syrup (easy to make at home – just mix one part water and two parts sugar), 25ml fresh lime juice, a vanilla pod (or dash of vanilla syrup/essence) and two drops of orange bitters. Victor Tutuianu, bar manager at the Lost Alpaca bar at Lima Floral, London A tommy’s margarita is great paired with foods that use corn and chillies: tacos, guacamole … You can also add a spoon of chilli sauce or fresh jalapeño and coriander to this drink to make a picante de la casa cocktail. Serve straight up in a martini glass or on the rocks in a tumbler glass, no salt rim needed. It’s the only cocktail I drink! Put 50ml of 100% blanco tequila, 25ml of fresh squeezed lime juice and 15ml of agave syrup in a shaker – or any container with a lid – and shake vigorously. Tommy’s margarita replaces the triple sec in a classic margarita with agave syrup, which makes it a little less harsh.

The spirit is deemed an agricultural product, while breweries, for example, have been forced to close. But the increase in demand could also be down to the fact that production of tequila, which can be made only in Mexico, has been allowed to continue during the coronavirus crisis. In the US, the sales spike may be attributed to Cinco de Mayo celebrations – commemorating the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France – which took place at the beginning of this month. The ( not particularly traditional) tequila cruda ritual has gradually fallen out of favour, with the spirit gaining popularity as a cocktail ingredient instead. So why have we all been reaching for the salt and lemon? Actually, we probably haven’t.

In the US, too, the market researcher Nielsen found that tequila sales were up 55% during those two months. According to Waitrose, sales of tequila increased by more than 175% between 24 March and the end of April. As pubs and bars remain closed, sales of alcohol have soared – but one tipple has proved surprisingly popular: tequila. From garden barbecue beers to Friday night Zoom drinks, we Britons haven’t let the lockdown stop us from boozing.