Charge q on a body is always denoted by.Magnification (mirror) hightofimage hightofobject hi ho v u (h is image height and h is object height) 3. Where n = any integer positive or negative and $e =1.602 \times 10^\Omega $Īn electric heater of resistance $8\Omega$ draws 15 A from the service mains for 2 hours. Calculate the rate at which heat is developed in the heater. $t=2h=2\times 60\times 60 \ sec=7200\ sec$ Display All Formulas Using the ‘Show Formulas’ Option in Excel. You can use the Show Formulas option to see all formulas in an excel sheet. Steps: First, go to the excel sheet where you want to show all the formulas. Rate of heat developed $P=?$ which is to be calculated Then form Excel Ribbon, go to the Formulas tab, and click on the Show Formulas option (Formula Auditing group). I just spent hours creating a file which was derived from a CSV file.Please make sure you complete it in the stipulated time Your test contains multiple-choice questions with only one answer type of questions.$P=1800 J/s$ Test Yourself on questions based on these formulas Test Yourself Rate of heat developed = rate at which power is consumed. Detailed formula examples for key functions, including VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, RANK, SUMPRODUCT, AVERAGE, SMALL, LARGE, LOOKUP, ROUND, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, CHOOSE, FIND, SEARCH, DATE, and many more. You can finish this test any time using the ‘ View Results‘ button. I opened the file back up before emailing to team and discovered all my formulas and formatting are now gone. I cannot believe I have to start all over.